Monday, March 20, 2006

reflecting this afternoon...

... on the nature of longing...

the sufi master and poet ibrahim hafiz wrote:

we are like lutes once held by god
being away from his warm body
fully explains this constant yearning

as an artist, i experience this longing as a call to communion with the muse-energy that flows through all things... vivifying the human experience and becoming manifest as creative expressions...

... this longing is a sacrament.

resources for the journey

absence and longing, the next issue of parabola
poet-seers, hafiz
poetry chaikhana
hermann hesse, narcissus and goldmund
hermann hesse, pictor’s metamorphosis and other fantasies
hermann hesse, rosshalde

... and remembering tea ...

irish breakfast, from trader joe’s (brewing as i write...)

love and best wishes,


Blogger David Pohl said...

i'm always happy to see a new post from you.

2:36 PM  
Blogger madelyn said...

hesse needs a sturdy tea i think...


11:46 PM  
Blogger jeanne said...

dear friends,

how did i miss your comments, so long ago?

david, i am always happy when i can create a new post ~ this is rather like an evolving book of art and thought... while there is unity there not, alas, any true discipline.

~maddie, oh yes, a sturdy cup of tea is essential when one sits down with mr. hesse. fortunately, i love both. :)

love to you, dear friends!!

1:17 PM  

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