Saturday, June 02, 2007


soul of objects: submerging...
june 2, 2007
scanned, assembled and altered image

a reading from rabbi lawrence kushner:

the first mystery is that there is a mystery.
a mystery that can never be explained or understood.
only encountered from time to time.

rabbi kushner also writes: "throughout all creation, just below the surface, joining each person to every other person and every other thing, in one luminous organism of sacred responsibility, we discover invisible lines of connection."

resources for the journey:

rabbi lawrence kushner
jorge luis borges, the aleph and other stories
liev schreiber, everything is illuminated (dvd)

and remembering tea and friends...

zhena's gypsy king chai

may all travelers find joy!!


Blogger jeff said...

...always so beautiful...

3:33 PM  
Blogger jeanne said...

dear jeff!!

your presence here is always so welcome, your words such a gift...

joy to you!!

8:04 AM  

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